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1994: Smarties Mini-Boxes and Novelty Dispenser
Here are the front and back views of the Smarties mini-box. Again, there is no writing on the box, but it came in a 10 box dispenser designed to look like a phone. The boxes are a larger size of 14g and are now made by Nestle Rowntree. Note that blue Smarties appear in the packaging design. BB 1 APR 1994.
Read carefully!. The dispenser comes in two parts. An outer part with the design of a phone, and an inner which has the buttons printed on it and slides up and down inside the outer. When the dispenser is closed it displays 'OFF' as shown in the main picture above left. To open the dispenser you slide the inner box down so that part of it emerges from the bottom of the outer phone, revealing an opening at the back where the mini smarties boxes can be removed. The front of the box now has the ' 0' where 'OFF' used to be, and the word   'ON' is displayed where the bottom part of the inner box is now visible. Difficult to explain, but another lovely design.


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