Smarties - Smartie
Designs |
Did you think that a Smartie is just a Smartie and that they
never change? Well, you'd be wrong if you did! Take a look at this lot. There are quite a
few variations with colours and print designs. Even the ingredients have changed! There are
some real suprises on this page. |
Gruesome Greenie (1992 - 1993) |
Kidnapped blue (1994 - 1995) |
Zapping Orange (1993 - 1994) |
All these smarties images are scanned pictures of ACTUAL
Smarties in my collection. Click on them to see where they take you.
SHARKS !!! (1996 -1997) |
Smartians (1995 - 1996) |
It's A BUG'S LIFE (1998 - 1999) |
smarties SECRETS - (1997 - 1998) |
These are a real favourite. They didn't come in tubes, but in
foil bags with mini comics. 8 colours, 5 of them with designs. 12
different designs...and a huge, speckled, white
chocolate, fruit flavoured Smartie. |
(1999 - 2000) |
Mystery flavour (1998 - 1999) |
Smartians - The second wave
(2001 - 2002) |
Look at these colours...and YES. That is a smarties football !!! It is not shaped like a smartie...it is actually
like a miniature football and could be found in
the tubes! |
(2000 - 2001) Not so
prehistoric! |
Standard Colours (1958 - 1988) |
Standard Colours (1988 - 2006) |
Smarties in my collection...from 1986! Forget the people selling 'rare' blue Smarties on Ebay. Here is a real light brown Smartie. Light brown Smarties were replaced by blue in 1988. |
Standard Colours (2006 ONLY) |
Standard Colours (2006 - 2007) |
Standard Colours (2008 - ????) |
BLUE IS BACK!!! (again)
Blue first arrived when in 1988 and re-appeared in 1989,
replacing light brown. However, when the artificial colours were removed in
2006, blue vanished and light brown returned in the place of dark brown.
Now blue is back (in a more pleasant shade) and dark brown is also
back (though with no fanfare). |