Updates 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 |
I am starting to have quite an extensive collection of other
UK Smarties wrappers. My main interest is the standard sized tubes. However, I occasionally
pick up other items. Larger images and other content can be accessed by clicking on the main wrapper images. |
Mini Boxes |
Mini or 'fun-size' boxes now account for a very significant
and...fun part of my collection. Click the image of the small box to take you to a dedicated page for small
boxes. |
Medium Boxes |
Click the image of the medium box to take you to a dedicated page for medium
boxes. |
Large Boxes |
Updated February 2008. This page now contains a lot more
images and information about 160g and 1/4lb boxes. See one of the earliest boxes and compare it
to the very latest designs.
Click the image of the large box to take you to a dedicated page
for large boxes. |
I have a growing collection of bags which are increasingly
popular. As you can see by the image on the
left, some of the bags are slightly unusual. Click the image to go to the dedicatated pages. |
Multi-Tube Packs |
Not mind blowingly collectable items, but they are
unique in design and add something to the
bigger picture. A few images showing the multi-tube pack
wrappers. Click the image to see my small collection.
Bars |
There have been a few new product lines, which I don't
think have done that well. However, the bars
are very tasty and have been around a while now. Click on the image to go to a dedicated page. |
Novelty sweets, biscuits, cakes...and
pumpkins! |
I have started to update this section. There will be
several more entries over the coming
weeks. |